On Pettiness, Poetry Foundation (prose)
Sugar, The New Yorker
On Love, The Atlantic
8 poems, Diode
Night, Blooming Cereus, Night, Tbe Past,
Provincetown Independent
All at Once, Wishbone, At the Drone Factory,
Provincetown Independent
Circling, Poetry London/Verse Daily
Fable, Poetry Magazine
Matinee, Poetry Magazine
Something The Slowdown
The Sorrow Apartments, The Arkansas International
Review, The Arkansas International
Life and Death, The Arkansas International
11 poems & 1 interview, Only Poems
Alcatraz, The Threepenny Review
Springfield, The New Yorker
Daphne, Michigan Quarterly Review
Onions, The New York Review of Books
Fox, Pinata, Plume
A Nearly Invisible Pin, Poetry Foundation (prose, part 1)
Laughing at the Abyss, Poetry Foundation (prose, part 2)
Towering, Poetry Foundation (prose, part 3)
Spinning the Bottle, Magnet, Bridge, Directional, Musical Chairs,
Flight Pattern, Diode
Purchase, The New York Review of Books
Adjacent, Jewish Currents
Coming Back, Pangyrus
Roosevelt Dargon, The New Yorker
Ghosting, The Atlantic
Seven poems, Terrain
What Would Have Been His Nineteenth Birthday,
The Arkansas International
Something The Adroit Journal
Bunker, The New York Review of Books
Independence Day, Beginning (Again), Firing Squad, God, The Longest Day, Diode
UFOs, The Arkansas International
Refusal to Mourn, Jewish Currents
Emergency Chocolate Cake, Terrain
Circular, Copper Nickel
Eavesdropping on Adam and Eve, Verse Daily
Great Pond, Plume
Action Origami, Poetry Daily
Eleven, The New York Review of Books
Conflation, The New Yorker
Dust, Academy of American Poets
Skin in Game, Crossing, Experimental, Blizzard, Terrain
Dust, Academy of American Poets
No One, Boy in Fins, After Horace, Love, Great River Review
Threshold, Tattoo, Elke
Frank O’Hara’s Golden Gondola, Fe, Berfois
Magician, Berfois
Bridge, Midcentury, Playing Field, Gil Stati Generali (Italian/ English)
Weep Holes, Self-Portrait with Eraser, The Kenyon Review, Academy of American Poets
Even, On Divinity, Passing the Torch, Mantle, On the Seawall
Asea, (one-act play), American Theatre
Ring, The Atlantic
Shiva, The New Yorker
Winter, No Moon, But, Wind 101, Openings, Gift, Diode
Road Trip, The New Yorker
Division Of, Harvard Divinity Bulletin
The Size of It, Jehova, Rabbit Hole, Bootstraps, Pebble, Chair,
Post Road
Wrecking Ball, The New Yorker
Music Class, Hymnals and Revivals, Plume
To The Woman Going Up the Escalator at Columbus Circle at Five-Thirty Last Evening, The Arkansas International
First Love, The Arkansas International
In the Car with the Theoretical Physicist, The Threepenny Review
Registry, The New Yorker
Across that Crowded Room, After the End, Swing State, Construction
Five poems, Agni
Seven poems, Terrain
Stationery, Cleaving, Gift Economy, Diode
Cloud Study, The New Yorker
Happiness, Poetry Daily
What I Heard, Alaska Quarterly Review
Mine, Painting the Soldiers, Shadow of, Memorious
Spec, Pear Tree, Thrush
Major to Minor, The New Yorker
Harvest, Salad Days, Tenement, Juxtaprose
The Way Forward, Fountainbleau, Plume
Isn't True Love Wonderful?, APR 2016.pdf
More Stones, The Academy of American Poets
The Fall of Lawless Bodies, Lost Wknd
Ajar, The Alphabet Project, Fitchburg Sentinel & Enterprise
Untold, The Alphabet Project, Fitchburg Sentinel & Enterprise
Furs Not Mine, Poetry Daily
Lit, The New Yorker
Doing the Loop, Verse Daily, Beloit Poetry Journal
My Raincoat Opens Doors for Me, Plume
Silence, Visiting The Cliffside Villa, Construction
First Thought, Best Thought, Orion
Porch Swing, Summer in a Glass, Berfois
Doing the Loop, Poetry Daily, The Cincinnati Review
Easter on the Rio Grande, The New Yorker
Off the Table, Reckoning, Berfois
String Theory, Door-to-Door, Picasso's Audabe 1942, Cliffside, In Response To, Or Pinocchio (When Inside the Whale), Propeller, Diode
Where the Sugar Dollars, Orion
Slow Thinker, Plume
Three Walks (short essay), The Threepenny Review
Overloaded, Mayflower Heights, Peaches Occur, The Imaginary Furrow I Was Plowing, Terrain
Explanation (Hiroshima), The Threepenny Review
Progress Report September 2010, Bomb, Bargain, Bricks, Bridge, The Hudson Review
Furs Not Mine, Italian Guard Dogs of Peterborough, Acorns, Diode
Clasp, The New Republic
The Committee Weighs In, The Threepenny Review
Brutal, Poetry Magazine
Moment of Truth, Plume
Whole, The Atlantic Monthly
Mask, Swallow, Gravy Boat, Birds with Blue Feathers, Front Porch Journal
Tender, Gwarlingo
The Gates of Paradise, The Manhattan Review
Exodus, Macaroons, The Tablet
Truth in Advertising, The Writer's Almanac
Petition, Poetry Magazine
To Whom it May Concern, Poetry Magazine
Butter, Poetry Magazine
Live Girls, Two Red Cardinals, Memorious
In a Haystack, The Atlantic Monthly
Explication of Text, Garnish, Annulment, Vinyl Poetry
Kentucky Derby, The Morning News
Self Portrait With Forgiveness, English as a Second Language, Diode
To an Ant Fallen in the Salt Shaker, The Threepenny Review
As Balthus Did, White Whale Review
After Reading Juarroz, Orion
Alcatraz, At the Zoo, Civil Unrest, Detective X on Vacation, Detective X Captures Pygmalion, Diode
Temptation to Believe, Verse Daily
Itaglio, Love Poem with Trash Compactor, Still Life with Childhood, Memorious
Sugar, The New Yorker
Fable, Poetry Magazine
Matinee, Poetry Magazine
Springfield, The New Yorker
Roosevelt Dargon, The New Yorker
Conflation, The New Yorker
Seven poems, Terrain
Emergency Chocolate Cake, Terrain
Dust, Nightshade, Gaucin, The Kenyon Review
Road Trip, The New Yorker
Wrecking Ball, The New Yorker
Registry, The New Yorker
Five poems, Agni
Seven poems, Terrain
Major to Minor, The New Yorker
Lit, The New Yorker
Cloud Study, The New Yorker
Podcast with Paul Muldoon, The New Yorker
Easter on the Rio Grande, The New Yorker
Overloaded, Mayflower Heights, Peaches Occur, The Imaginary Furrow I Was Plowing, Terrain
Exodus, Macaroons, The Tablet
Truth in Advertising, The Writer's Almanac
Butter, Poetry Magazine